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Temporary Henna Tatoos

Henna is a paste which has been used for centuries to create tatoos (artwork) on the body. The paste when applied to the skin, temporarily etches on to the deeper skin layers and develops into an orange-greenish or black stain. Henna can be applied anywhere on the body and superb delicate patterns can be created.
Henna has a rich history in the Middle Eastern and Indian cultures. It has always been used by women to create exquisite art designs on their hands and feet during special ceremonies like weddings, anniversaries etc.

Over the years, the Henna product has been refined and has led to the creation of a potent dye. Henna is widely available in most Indian and Middle Eastern shops. To prepare the henna, the leaf is crushed and mixed in a little lemon juice or strong tea. This creates a lovely smell in the henna and also provides a greenish color. Once a paste of desired quality is obtained, the henna can be applied on to the body. The henna is typically applied with the use of a tooth pick. Henna should never be placed around the eyes, nose or mouth.
The applied henna is left to dry anywhere from 8-24 hours and the body can be washed off. The tatooing can be visualized when the paste is washed off. The initial color is usually a bright-orange or red which fades into a darker color over the next few days.
Henna is not expensive and costs anywhere from $1-2 for an ounce. The dye is best applied on the hands and feet and usually lasts 2-4 weeks. Even though henna is a safe product, some individuals can develop a skin rash or an itch. Those individuals with allergic reactions should avoid the use of henna.
For the best results, one should visit an Indian parlor/spa and get the henna applied by a professional. It may cost anywhere from $ 20-50 but the designs and patterns created can rival any permanent tatoo.


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